Dr. Arietta Spinou, MSc.
Anglie, Řecko
Arietta Spinou je zkušenou fyzioterapeutkou s velmi silným akademickým zázemím a vynikající kompetencí ve respirační fyzioterapii. Získala mezinárodní klinické zkušenosti v různých pracovních prostředích a zdravotnických zařízeních ve Velké Británii, Finsku a Řecku.
Arietta Spinou učí, prezentuje na mezinárodních konferencích. V současné době dokončuje svou rigorózní práci na výzkumném projektu v non-cystické fibróze bronchiektázie.
Publikované odborné studie
2016 – |
"The validity of health-related quality of life questionnaires in bronchiectasis: a systematic review and meta-analysis"
— Publikováno v mezinárodním recenzovaném žurnálu pro respirační zdravotníky Thorax.
— Abstrakt dostupný zde.
2012 – 2016 |
PhD in Respiratory Medicine
King's College London, UK
Research Project: Cough Frequency, Cough Reflex Sensitivity and Health Related Quality of Life in Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis
2010 – 2011 |
MSc in Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy, Institute of Child Health
University College London (UCL), UK
Post-graduate Clinical Training: King's College Hospital, NHS
2012 – 2014 |
PGCert in Academic Practice in Higher Education, King's Learning Institute
King's College London, UK
2002 – 2007 |
BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy Department
Technological educational Institute of Athens, Greece
Profesní zkušenosti
2014 – |
Senior Respiratory Physiotherapist
Royal Brompton Hospital, NHS, UK
2013 – 2014 |
Cardiorespiratory Physiology Demonstrator
King's College London, UK
2013 – 2014 |
Senior Respiratory Physiotherapist
Central London Community Healthcare, NHS, UK
2012 – |
Research Physiotherapist
Royal Brompton Hospital, NHS & King's College Hospital, NHS, UK
Prezentace na konferencích / Publikace
Spinou A, Frangos KC, Garrod R and Birring S. A meta-analysis of Health Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) in Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis (NCFB): Association with clinical outcomes. September 2014, International European Respiratory Society (ERS) Annual Congress, Munich, Germany
Spinou A, Lee KK, Elston C, Garrod R and Birring SS. Systematic review of the validity of Health Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) questionnaires in Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis (NCFB). September 2014, International European Respiratory Society (ERS) Annual Congress, Munich, Germany
Grammatopoulou E, Nikolovgenis N, Skordilis E, Evangelodimou A, Haniotou A, Tsamis N and Spinou A, Validity and reliability of General Self-Efficacy Scale in asthma patients. September 2014, International European Respiratory Society (ERS) Annual Congress, Munich, Germany
Grammatopoulou E, Skordilis E, Evangelodimou A, Haniotou A, Spinou A, Tsamis N and Belibassaki V. Validity and reliability evidence of the Nijmegen questionnaire in asthma. September 2013, International European Respiratory Society (ERS) Annual Congress, Barcelona, Spain
Spinou A, Patel AS, Garrod R, Elston C, Loebinger M, Wilson R and Birring SS. Understanding patients' experience of living with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis. September 2013, International European Respiratory Society (ERS) Annual Congress, Barcelona, Spain
Spinou A. Physiotherapy assessment of patients with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis: Current clinical practice and ongoing research. December 2012, 20° Pan-Hellenic Physiotherapy Association, Athens, Greece
Spinou A. Research priorities for the effectiveness of Manually Assisted Cough: An online questionnaire addressed to UK physiotherapists. October 2012, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) Conference UK Physio, Liverpool, UK
Spinou A. A literature review for the effectiveness of the Manually Assisted Cough. October 2012, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Conference (CSP) UK Physio, Liverpool, UK
Patel AS, Spinou A, Keir G, Siegert RJ, Maher TM, Renzoni EA, Wells AU, Higginson IJ and Birring SS. Assessing sarcoidosis: The King's Sarcoidosis Questionnaire and the minimal important difference. September 2012, International European Respiratory Society (ERS) Annual Congress, Vienna, Austria
Stipendia a ocenění
- State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) - Scholarship holder for PhD studies (2012 - 2014)
- State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) - Scholarship holder for MSc studies, after participating in National Exams (2010 - 2011)
- Michael Laskaris Trust - Scholarship holder so as to attend the Proficiency English Course (2007 - 2008)
- State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) - Scholarship holder as part of the European Erasmus Programme (2005)
- State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) - Financial Award for the highest grades of the 1st & 2nd year of the BSc in Physiotherapy (2002 - 2003)
- Ministry of National Education & Religious Affairs, Greece - 3rd National & 1st Peripheral Painting Prize in the Annual Student Competition (1998)
- European Respiratory Society (ERS)
- Health Care Professions Council (HCPC), UK
- Pan-Hellenic Physiotherapy Association, Greece
- Elected member of the Scientific Committee: Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Group, Greece